The committees below welcome OASFAA member volunteers. If interested in serving on one or more of these committees, or running for an elected position, please complete the Volunteer Interest Form.
Associate Member Relations - The Associate Member Relations Committee serves as the intermediary between the association and our associate members/sponsors. Responsibilities include coordinating logistics of associate members at events including Director's Day and conference, communicating with associate members regarding sponsorship, and recruiting new sponsors for the association.
Communications/Website - The Communications and Website Committee keeps the membership informed of OASFAA's events, plans and goals. The main responsibilities of this committee are to publish a monthly newsletter, maintain the OASFAA website and monitor the OASFAA listserv.
Conference Planning - The Conference Planning Committee develops and designs all content for the OASFAA annual conference. Committee members assist in developing the conference theme, general sessions and breakout sessions. Members also serve as session moderators and help secure session presenters. The Conference Planning Committee is also responsible for the entertainment and the community support event for the OASFAA annual conference.
Diversity - The Diversity Committee assists in providing training and raising awareness to membership on the diverse needs of students and the changing diversity profiles of our campus populations. The committee also helps develop diversity interest sessions at the annual conference and other OASFAA training events.
Leadership - The Leadership Committee recruits and retains OASFAA members to participate in the Chenelle Leadership Program. The Leadership Committee is responsible for developing the leadership program, which was designed to encourage and prepare colleagues for leadership roles within the Association, on their campuses, and in their communities.
Membership - The Membership Committee is responsible for processing membership and maintaining membership records and assists in retaining those persons interested in the purpose of the Corporation in keeping with guidelines for membership. Responsibilities include providing membership renewal notifications, updates the electronic membership form, collects membership fees, and maintains the Association's membership database.
New Member - The New Member committee is responsible for welcoming and providing information to new OASFAA members. The committee provides opportunities for new members to network with existing members, attend conference sessions specific to new members and learn more about volunteer opportunities within OASFAA. This committee plans all logistics related to programming for new members at conference as well as engagement opportunities throughout the year.
Need Analysis - The Needs Analysis Committee provides various levels of training and information regarding all aspects of need analysis such as Federal Methodology, Verification, and Professional Judgment. The committee plans and hosts training opportunities each year for OASFAA members.
Outreach - The Outreach Committee shares information with the community through a variety of activities and training programs such as OACAC Articulation, financial aid 101 and 201 training sessions for new counselors (admissions, financial aid, schools, etc.), school counselor workshops and FAFSA high school night presentations.
Professional Development - The Professional Development Committee provides training activities to promote professional advancement of OASFAA members throughout the year, including virtual opportunities as well in-person training at the annual conference.